Bankruptcy Attorney

Bankruptcy Courts For The Northern District of California

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San Francisco Bankruptcy Court Division

Street Address: 235 Pine Street, 19th Floor
San Francisco, California 94104
Judges: Hon. Dennis Montali
Hon. Thomas E. Carlson
Counties: San Francisco County, San Mateo County

Oakland Bankruptcy Court Division

Street Address: 1300 Clay Street, Suite 300
Oakland, California 94612
Judges: Hon. Edward D. Jellen
Hon. M. Elaine Hammond
Hon. William Lafferty
Counties: Contra Costa County, Alameda County

San Jose Bankruptcy Court Division

Street Address: 280 South First Street, Room 3035
San Jose, California 95113
Judges: Hon. Arthur S. Weissbrodt
Hon. Charles Novack
Hon. Stephen L. Johnson
Counties: Santa Clara County, Santa Cruz County
San Benito, Monterey County

Santa Rosa Bankruptcy Court Division

Street Address: 99 South "E" Street
Santa Rosa, California 95404
Judges: Chief Justice Hon. Alan Jaroslovsky
Counties: Marin County, Napa County
Sonoma County, Lake County
Mendocino County, Humboldt County
Del Norte County
