When you retain our services you can expect a certain level of professionalism and that your case will be filed correctly. We have had potential clients and past clients come to us describing how they have been treated by other attorneys. If we make a mistake in your bankruptcy petition that leads to you not receiving a discharge in your bankruptcy case we will refund you 100% of the attorney fees plus the filing fee. We reserve the right to do whatever is possible to address any issue that may arise in your case at our own expense. The whole point in filing bankruptcy is to obtain a discharge of your eligible dischargeable debts and we want nothing more than you to receive a discharge of your debts, to provide you with the personal service you deserve for a reasonable fee and earn an honest living.
Of course there are exceptions given that we cannot control everything that may arise in your bankruptcy case. It is not ethical for an attorney to guarantee you a result. We are not guaranteeing you a result in your bankruptcy case or that you will receive a discharge of all of your debts or any one debt. There are debts that are not dischargeable pursuant to the Bankruptcy Code. Your bankruptcy case may also involve litigation that is independent of you receiving a discharge in your bankruptcy case.
- West Coast Bankruptcy Attorneys cannot guarantee that you will obtain a discharge in your bankruptcy case.
- West Coast Bankruptcy Attorneys cannot guarantee that that you will obtain a discharge of any one specific debt, or of all debts.
- West Coast Bankruptcy Attorneys cannot guarantee that dismissal of your case won't happen due to reasons unrelated to acceptance of the paperwork for filing bankruptcy.
- West Coast Bankruptcy Attorneys cannot guarantee that you as our client will in a timely manner provide the necessary documents, successfully complete all of your obligations such as finishing the required courses, submit your forms to us by the required deadlines, complete of your disclosure of debts accurately, complete your disclosure of assets accurately and be present and on time at your scheduled 341 meeting of the creditors.
- West Coast Bankruptcy Attorneys cannot guarantee that assets will not be lost in a Chapter 7 filing or Chapter 13 filing.
- West Coast Bankruptcy Attorneys cannot guarantee that creditors won't be successful in filing a lawsuit for the nondischargeability of a debt pursuant to section 523 or revocation of your discharge under section 727 or an argument in an attempt to repossess collateral in a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 filing.
- West Coast Bankruptcy Attorneys cannot guarantee that your case will proceed without difficulties or challenges of any kind regarding your Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 filing.
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