If you are having problems paying your bills each month and your car payment is out of control bankruptcy can help. Do you need a lower car payment? Do you wonder, �Can bankruptcy lower my car payment?� Yes, under certain circumstances filing bankruptcy can get rid of credit card debts and lower your car payment all at the same time. Schedule a free consultation to find out if bankruptcy is right for you. Call 1-877-9NEW-LIFE.
When you retain our services you will be able to reach us directly by email and phone. You will not have to deal with secretaries or legal assistants. Your questions will be answered by experienced attorney, Ryan C. Wood. Mr. Wood is the former staff attorney for David Burchard, the Chapter 13 Trustee for the San Francisco Division and Santa Rosa Division of the Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District. Mr. Wood formed The Law Offices to provide the best bankruptcy experienced for a reasonable fee. We are committed to providing you the best bankruptcy experience. It is bad enough that you are considering bankruptcy, it is even worse if you are not treated with the respect you deserve.
There a number of ways bankruptcy can help you keep your car. First of all the whole point in filing is to get rid of overwhelming debts from credit cards, taxes, medical bills and more. Once you discharge these debts you should be able to pay all of your cost of living bills each month without stress. This includes your vehicle loan payments. Bankruptcy can even help more by reducing your vehicle loan payment in Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. It all depends upon your income, expenses and the value of your vehicle and other assets.
You should not be afraid you will lose your vehicles when filing bankruptcy. The bankruptcy law is structured to allow you to have vehicles. It is in everyone�s best interest that you have reliable transportation to go to work and live life. The goal of filing bankruptcy is to provide a fresh start. Part of your budget must include transportation costs and will include your vehicle payment if you have one. If you cannot afford the car payment bankruptcy can help to make sure you keep the car or trust. If your income has been reduced so much that nothing can help it might be time to let the vehicle go and surrender it in the bankruptcy and find a more affordable transportation solution. Again, if you want a lower car payment and are asking yourself, �Can bankruptcy lower my car payment,� the answer is yes.
We are bankruptcy lawyers in Fremont with offices in Redwood City, San Francisco, San Jose, Fremont, Oakland and we represent clients throughout the Bay Area including San Mateo County, Santa Clara County, Alameda County, Contra Costa County, Daly City, San Bruno, San Mateo, Mountain View, Palo Alto, bankruptcy lawyers in Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, Berkeley, Hayward, Pleasanton, San Leandro and Union City.